
Past Caring by Robert Goddard

About the book At a luxurious villa on the sun-soaked island of Madeira, unemployed historian Martin Radford is given a second chance. Martin is shown the leather-bound journal of another ruined man, former British cabinet minister Edwin Strafford. Martin is offered a job—to return to England and investigate the rise and fall of Strafford, an… Continue reading Past Caring by Robert Goddard

A brew and a chat

2022 Review Part 2

Following on from Part 1 of my pick of some of the most memorable books I’ve read in 2022, here is part 2, this time it’s Psychological Suspense/Thriller, Historical fiction and non fiction. Again I’ve linked the titles of the books to my original review in case you see something you’ve not read and quite… Continue reading 2022 Review Part 2