
Lucky Day by Beth Morrey

After a morning that starts with a terrible migraine, an accidentally strong concoction of painkillers, and a bump on the head, Clover Hendry is not quite herself.

And as she walks out of work at 9.47am, for once Clover isn’t worrying about anything. She is taking some much-deserved me-time, and everyone else had better get out of her way.

As she crashes from once incident (a deliciously illicit swim) to the next (art theft), Clover is on a one-woman mission to do exactly as she pleases – consequences are for tomorrow!

It’s a day of joyful recklessness, but behind the chaos, a plan is afoot. Will her new-found freedom uncover long-buried secrets?

A euphoric, raging, galvanizing story about putting life on pause, pleasing yourself, and getting your own back – whatever it takes.

I read Saving Missy and loved it. For anyone who is expecting a similar story, you might be in for a surprise as I found it very different. Obviously we don’t want to keep reading the same old plot but even so I did think this was quite a big departure from the feel good, uplifting Missy and her friends.

Clover starts out having a bit of a bad day where everything seems to be going wrong and she hasn’t even left the house yet. She takes some of her husbands discarded strong pain killers for a migraine which leaves her feeling just a little spaced out but much more relaxed, like she can take on anything without a care in the world. However she does go out on a bit of a rampage of getting her own back for always being the woman to fall in line, to do what’s asked, to just get on with it. With her new found confidence, it reminded me very much of Amazing Grace Adams by Fran Littlewood, a book which I absolutely loved. Perhaps because the premise was so similar I couldn’t help but make comparisons. Grace Adams was pretty much my favourite book last year and so it was a difficult one to beat.

This one was funny in parts, though I did sometimes think Clover’s ‘not give a damn what anyone thinks’ attitude came across as a little aggressive at times. But as the book moved on there was a lot of going back over her working life in TV production which felt like a bit of a filler, some of which I didn’t find that relevant.

Overall, the book is quite funny in places but I wasn’t a great fan of it by the end.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

♥ Happy Reading ♥

Thank you to the publisher Harper Collins for an ARC of this book via Netgalley

The book is released today in e-book and hardback and is available on Amazon as well as other book retailers.

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